Are you ready to feel joy on a regular basis?
Are you ready to learn concepts that make life easier?
Are you ready to live from a higher state of consciousness?
Are you ready to appreciate “you” and live your authenticity?
Are you ready to reduce stress, self doubt, worry, guilt, and fear?
Are you ready to enjoy relationships with less negativity and conflict?
Are you ready to understand your true power to create the life you love?
Are you ready to unlock flow in your life and manifest the success you desire?

The reason coaching is quickly becoming the way to create success and enjoyment in life is simply because it works.  While we are living in the world, subject to society’s concept of living well, we are suffering from many false perceptions of what ‘success’ really means.

For us success is living your truth, sharing your gifts, accepting what is, and loving those around you. This becomes easier when we understand the principles of positive psychology in which the field of coaching is based. Positive psychology incorporates the best of spirituality. Our clients begin to see their success, which was often buried under layers of the world’s debris, in an new and empowering light. This unpacking of ourselves, the courage and awareness that results,  and the challenging of our limiting beliefs, pave the way to manifest anything.

When we pull it all together in coaching, the principles and the “you” that exists beyond all the conventional labels we assume, we realize that we spend most of our lives resisting our true nature and living from the ego, also known as the false self.  When the true self is allowed space to grow, life becomes a joyful experience and we realize it has been there all along waiting to be released.

If you have any questions regarding life, success, and spiritual coaching, please feel free to reach out to us in an email or by phone. We would love to hear from our readers and are happy to share our resources with you. Time and again we hear from new visitors, “I am so glad to have a place like this in our community!” We are always looking to improve in making our coaching programs accessible to everyone and spreading the word of wellness.


Are you ready? Contact Kim Perone, Certified Life Coach at The Center for Clarity, Compassion & Contentment ~ [email protected] (518) 301-3593.